5 Sources for Free Computer Technology Education Online

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010 ·

Lacking in computer knowledge? Here are 40 computer technology courses that can be taken for free online.


1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit.edu)

MIT offers more than 50 free computer technology courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Courses are easy to download and most include lecture notes, labs, assignments, audio, videos and text lessons.

University of California at Berkeley (berkeley.edu)

UC Berkeley offers a wide variety of free computer technology. Courses are broken down into separate lectures and can be viewed as webcasts or in some cases downloaded as podcasts.

3. About University (about.com)

There are more than 50 free computer technology courses offered through About University. Courses are delivered daily or weekly to your email address of choice and last anywhere from one day to 12 weeks. Most courses are text based, but some include images, videos and links to additional resources. There is also a guide that you can email and a discussion forum if you come across something you don't understand.

4. HP Learning Center (hp.com)

There are dozens of free computer technology courses available through the HP Learning Center. Courses are instructor-led and available 24/7. Most of the courses are text based, but there are quite a few video courses to choose from as well.

5. Goodwill Community Foundation (gcflearnfree.org)

GCFLearnFree.org, which is funded by the GCF, offers several different free computer technology courses. Most courses focus on the basics and are broken down into easy-to-follow lessons. Individuals who aren't interested in self-study can sign up for instructor-led courses (also free.)

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