A. Background
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in recent years developed very rapidly in line with the growth and convergence that occurred in telecommunications technology. Various technologies and applications are created in an effort to support the operational activities of human life and organizations, including the teaching and learning activities.
Menyingkapi pekembangan and progress in ICT lecturers as professionals are required in order to develop ICT-based teaching materials. ICT is one of the factors of change in conveying information, applications, and knowledge management are also happening in the world of learning.
Based on the request of the professionalism of every teacher must master ICT-based learning systems, especially in college. Currently most of the PT is still dominated by the role of teachers (teacher-oriented) as a source of knowledge for students. PBM bounded held in classrooms, learning and interaction in the form of transfer of knowledge from lecturer to student. While very rapid growth of knowledge has made the learning resources in libraries is not enough to accommodate the students' intellectual exercise. In an era of global communication between institutions, experts, and various learning resources, the interaction can be done anywhere and anytime by anyone.
The development of ICT-based education bergatung on ICT infrastructure and culture in society. Within that framework, the first step for ICT-based education is a computer-based education. At this stage, the computers used to manage and implement the interaction of the educational process. Furthermore, used for assisting computer learning tutorials and simulations with the program as a stand-alone programs for student learning. E-Supported Education offers the use of ICT with a LAN that is used for a larger scope, such as student databases, library databases, database aministrasi, e-learning. etc..
This paper will discuss pemaanfatan ICT in the writing of teaching materials that will be used for e-learning. Before step how to write teaching materials using ICT need to know the role of ICT in learning.
B. ICT as a tool (the media)
The first step for ICT-based education is a computer-based education. Computers have been applied in the study began in 1960 (Lee, 1996). In forty years the use of computers have different periods based on trends of existing learning theories. The first is a learning period with a computer with a behaviorist approach. This period is characterized by learning that emphasizes the repetition of drill and practice method. The next period is a period of communicative learning as a reaction to the behaviorist. Learning is more emphasis on the use of the forms are not on the form itself as in the behaviorist approach.
Period or the last trend is an integrative learning with computers. Integrative learning gives suppressor on integrating the various skills that integrate technology more fully in learning.
Lee formulate at least eight reasons for the use of computers as a medium of learning (Lee, 1996) The reasons are: experience, motivation, enhance learning, authentic materials, the interaction of a broader, more personal, not fixed on a single source, and understanding global.
With a computer on the internet network tersambungnya the learners will get a broader experience. Learners not only be a passive recipient but also a determinant of learning for himself. Learning with computers will provide higher motivation because the computer is always associated with fun, games and creativity. Thus the learning itself will increase. As said by Richmond (1999) and Stevens (1992) material on-line not only as reference material for more efficient but more effective as a source kogninif. For example, the definition of an unknown word while working on assignments, students just click on the dictionary on-line or free with the word in context, this is a source of cognitive activity that can be used to retrieve information gathered from the other sources.
Learning with computers will allow the learners to get an authentic learning materials and can interact more broadly. Learning becomes more personal nature that will meet the needs of different learning strategies varied.
C. ICT as a Tutor
Learning is a process of communication between learners, instructors and teaching materials. Communication will not run without the help of the means to deliver message or media.
The forms of stimulus could be used as a medium of which are (1) relationships or human interaction, (2) realia; (3) Motion picture or not; (4) writing and (5) the recorded voice. The five forms of this stimulus will help learners to learn certain subjects. However, it is not easy to get the five forms in a single time or place.
Computer technology is an invention that allows to present some or all of the above forms of stimulus that would be more optimal learning. However, problems arise not as easy as one might imagine. Teachers are people who have the ability to realize the fifth form of the stimulus in the form of learning by way of preparing teaching materials assisting computer. However, most teachers do not have the ability to present the fifth stimulus by a computer program while computer programmers are not learning to master a subject which Amnestied faculty.
Solution is to realize that stimuli in a computer program using the software easy to learn As such, the teachers will easily realize the ideas of teaching. Learning software program can be a tutor for pembelajarnya.
Good instructional media must meet several requirements, namely instructional media should increase the motivation of learners. Use of the media has a goal to motivate learners. Also the media should also stimulate the learner and remember what you've learned in addition to providing new learning stimuli. A good media will also enable learners to provide feedback, feedback, and will encourage students to do the practices correctly.
D. How to Write a Subjects who Presented with ICT-Based ?
Writing instructional materials that will be presented in the form of ICT (e-learning) first, make a Learning Object Material (LOM) first. LOM is almost like the syllabus or lesson plans. LOM include the name and description of subjects, learners, learning objectives in the form of standards of competence, basic competence, reading material, presentations, Illustration Audio Video / simulation, URL addresses, glossary, exercises, quizzes, assignments, Calendar and Instructional Method.
Leaning that material objects can be made with a variety of different computer application programs (software. thing that should be considered in the selection of software other than the ability or mastery of the software, is the hardware specs (hardware) are available on campus. Consideration of the hardware specification is very important, because only with hardware that supports the specification, ICT-based teaching materials that have been made out properly. If availability ¬ hardw are on campus edition of P166 down, it is not advisable to make ICT-based teaching materials using Macromedia Flash, to the condition that the use of hardware like Microsoft programs Power Point is sufficient. The Microsoft Power Point display menus are useful in the manufacture of ICT-based teaching materials that are tutorials. These menus are animated menus; menu to insert (import files), voice, video and animated images; and menu link (hyperlink) to connect between one node (node) or a file with a knot or other files. Menu-menu makes Microsoft Power Point program not only serves as a presentation tool (tools) but can be developed as tutors.
Other things to consider in making ICT-based teaching materials is the availability of a tutorial nature menus that are accessible and there is an icon tutorial that will guide the users of ICT-based teaching materials. Icons have been provided by the program Learning Management System (LMS) such as city Web, Blackboard, Moodle and others.
Teaching materials that will be included (uploaded) to the LMS can be made yourself with a variety of file formats like Word, ppt, PDF, swf etc. but it can take a (downloadable) from the URL or website address associated with a specific teaching materials. Searching engine program may help us to find material that we want by browsing on the Internet. Programs that can be used for browsing such as google.com, yahoo, AltaVista, Twigine, etc..
E. The advantages of ICT-based Instructional Materials
• Getting students to use ICT as a medium of learning, giving learners personal empowerment skills independently;
• Learning without time and space is limited
• These materials are always up to date pembelajaranya
• More active and creative in developing ideas
• Motivating learners
• Maturity student thinking
• Information from various sources of information
• Rich cultural experience
• Containers of creative works for the students;
• Increase the higher thinking skills;
• Facility in finding specific information by way of logical thinking
Adapted from various sources.
Good luck
Utilization of ICT in Teaching Materials Preparation
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